In this section we are going to talk about the slang in north America to speak like the youth in that country
Bail/ ditch
Mean to have to break or cancel the plans with someone.
Chill/chill out
Meaning “calm down” on casual occasions.
Down to earth
Referring to someone when they are humble genuine and easy to get along with
“Greatest of all time “pronounce exactly like the animal
Different than the traditional definition wack refers to boring or worse than expectations
to feel depressed or sad
a friend, often used for a masculine friend.
-Buddy: (amigo) a close friend.
- Bummer: (decepción, decepcionante) a disappointing or unpleasant situation or experience
- Jerk: (persona que no hace nada bien) a contemptibly foolish person.
- Dork: (alguien raro que no está a la moda) a silly, out-of-touch person who tends to look odd or behave ridiculously around others
- Jerk: (persona que no hace nada bien) a contemptibly foolish person.
- Dork: (alguien raro que no está a la moda) a silly, out-of-touch person who tends to look odd or behave ridiculously around others
- Hit the sack: (ir a la cama) its a form to say "go to bed".
- Crash: (dormirse por estar agotado) that means that you are incredibly tired and you’re going to go home and sleep because you are exhausted.
- To have a crush on someone: (estar encaprichado con alguien) have a feeling of romantic love for someone, especially someone you do not know well a guy in my class that I'm crushing on → crush→ See
- Don't mess with me: (no te metas conmigo) warning that you might lose your temper and respond in a way they won't like.
- Freak out: (perder el control por algo malo) a wildly irrational reaction or spell of behaviour.
- Way to go! That's very good - dont you say: (¡Muy bien!, sarcásticamente) Very good! Sarcastically
- Way to go! That's very good - dont you say: (¡Muy bien!, sarcásticamente) Very good! Sarcastically
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